A while back I wrote a Blog Post “Do what you love and the money will Follow”, I hope you were able to read it, if not look it up, it is a fun post! The following are the basic takeaways: It’s …
Healthy Conversation
I was listening to an awesome podcast today while driving around doing errands. I feel very grateful for all the time and effort so many generous people out there in podcast land take in sharing their …
Daily Practice *
Why is it that we seem to lose track of our positive daily practices just when we need them the most? We all have things that get us down. We make mistakes, get sick or something can happen that is …
Finding Your Rhythm
I think that one of the most difficult things to do is find a balance between all of the competing priorities that stand before us in a day. There are many amazing people out there offering to teach …
What if we could look at things from different angles before making a judgement? What if we could naturally open our minds to the possibilities that surround every moment. Imagine that we know the …
When you look confidence up in the dictionary, it is defined as; the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. When we use this definition, it asks us to look outside …